Why must be married diamond ring?

   Woman  like to use digital jewelry scale can scale to have to several carat

gem,But why must be married diamond ring?

    In Europe and the United States and other western countries, speak

as a token of diamond engagement traditional have been around for

hundreds of years. In the 15 th century, when love of Austria a crown prince

 archduke in order to marry the French princess Mary, let at that time

Europe best artisans an extremely beautiful diamond ring, and then sent to

the princess of the hand, the princess saw the bright beautiful diamond ring

medal heart big yue, not hesitate long promised the archduke proposal of

marriage, married their lives have been very happiness, from now on the

young men and women to follow suit, marat safin, now the bride and groom

 exchange diamond ring has become the wedding ceremony is an important part.


Par mokili le mercredi 10 août 2011


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