Samedi 23 juillet 2011

Australia with clothes to fold the portrait photographer

Australia Borsodi Bela was called the "commercial photography,
commercial photographer" life design of the  genius , when we are used to be submerged in various models and star of a images, Bela Borsodi with all kinds of unexpected offers material out of public covers
advert, at his work is always can not help but think: he where come of
so many continuously strange think of clever want? He folded piece clothes face, is give you a surprise?




Par mokili - 0 commentaire(s)le 23 juillet 2011
Vendredi 22 juillet 2011

British Kate married princess when the marriage gauze of wear in London Buckingham Palace on prepa


July 20,, British Kate married princess when the marriage gauze of

wear in London Buckingham Palace on preparation. This weekend the

British Buckingham Palace in the annual summer season. Although Open

Day hasn't arrived, but tickets booking already close to its peak.

Attract people came in, is the first to the public the display of the

new princess Kate married wear when marriage gauze. Also on display

are new princess wore the manual wedding shoe, diamond ring and

wedding wear crown tire. This year the number of summer is expected to

visit a will about 650000 passengers





Par mokili - 1 commentaire(s)le 22 juillet 2011
Jeudi 21 juillet 2011

welcome to my world

This my  first post in the posterous,welcome!  I want to share myself lifestyle !  Own good books , intimate friends and a serene heart : that's a perfect lifes! I love my life! I like to know more people ,   Make for good friend to  everyone!   

Par mokili - 0 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011
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